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If you suffer from a sleep problem associated with disruptions to your biological clock (circadian rhythm), there are a number of treatment options to consider, including behavioral modifications and medications.

Behavioral treatments include:

  • Chronotherapy. This behavioral treatment consists of gradually shifting the sleep time in accordance with your desired schedule. For example, if you have trouble getting to sleep at your desired bedtime, you would delay your bedtime by a few hours each night until you reach your desired bedtime hour. The reverse would be true if you are falling asleep earlier than your desired bedtime; you would then advance your bedtime by a few hours each night until the desired bedtime is achieved. Once your desired bedtime has been established, you must adhere to this bedtime on a regular basis.
  • Bright light therapy. People who have a circadian rhythm disorder respond well to light therapy, especially bright light therapy. A sleep specialist will advise you on the appropriate timing, strength and duration of the light therapy, as it will vary based on your individual needs.
  • Enhancing environmental cues. Keep a dark and quiet room during sleep and a well-lit room upon awakening. Avoid bright light exposure in the evening and enforce regular hours for eating and other activities.

Tips to Promote Sound Sleep

As always, maintaining good “sleep hygiene,” or sleep-promoting behavior, is important to treating any sleep problem, including circadian rhythm disorders. Here are some tips:

  • Go to sleep and wakeup at the same time each day
  • Avoid napping
  • Use the bed only for sleeping and being intimate
  • Try to avoid stress, fatigue, and sleep deprivation
  • Avoid vigorous exercise at least 4 hours prior to bedtime (Regular exercise performed earlier in the day is recommended.)
  • Avoid cigarettes, alcohol, and caffeine
  • Avoid large meals and excessive fluids before bedtime
  • Control your sleeping environment, keeping it dark, quiet, and at a comfortable temperature. A controlled sleeping environment is especially important for shift workers and night workers.

Learn about medications for circadian rhythm disorder.
Get the facts about circadian rhythm disorders.
View the full table of contents for Your Guide to Sleep Disorders.
Edited by Cynthia Haines, MD, WebMD, February 2006.

SOURCE: eMedicine Health.